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Big Theater

Weekly Theme: Story Factory


Today is show day - we are going to make shows! We'll think about all the things we need to make a show, and different types of ways we can do it. What kinds of shows have we seen? What do you remember seeing, for eg people, costumes, props, a stage. Shows/concerts/theatre make stories come alive. The story becomes an active and interactive experience. It’s a way for us to express ourselves, trying out different voices, ways to walk or stand, ways to move our face, clothes. It helps us learn about and understand the world around us.

Choose 2-3 20-30 minute activities from the selection below:

Talking Heads

Talk the Talk

Kid/s, count from one to 10 (out loud!). Next, let your voice go loud, then soft. Go high, then low. Go fast, then slow. Do you hear the difference? Which way do you like? Then add these different ways as if you were angry, sad, underwater, a baby, etc

Flying Books

Bringing Books to Life

Kid/s chooses a book. They are going to dramatise it using household toys, items, dress up clothes to create a show. Similar to this:


If relevant, also dramatise/act out the stories they created on 'Book Day'.

Super Hero Kids

Bring their World to Stage

Dress up as different people they know: mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, siblings, etc. Then put on a show if they want. And of course, they will dress up and/or put on a show about anything else!

Puppet Show

Puppet Factory

Puppets are a great opportunity for imaginative play: they are fun, encourage storytelling and creative expression and role play.


Sock puppets:


Finger puppets (printables):


Pop up puppet:

Puppet Show

Short Stories

Thanks to makelemondaeblog.come for these puppet show ideas:





















Puppet Show.png

Outdoor Active

Go for a walk past a local theatre or community hall or similar place where shows take place (even though it will likely be closed, it’s a destination for the walk and develops a deeper context to the place.


ARE YOU READY FOR THE SHOW? Zoom with family or kids' friends and put on a show! You can even plan in advance for each zoom-er to put on a short show for each other. Really try keep it short, it gets hard online.

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