The Corona Age suddenly arrived. Preschool closures. Restrictions on outdoor movement. Lockdown.
It was too overwhelming to set out on a whim each day and sort through the fun, random activities floating around. We needed a little more planning and sequence in order to relieve some of the day-to-day busy-ness.
We put together some activity plans to help get our heads around it all,
and set out to give our kids a fun, meaningful and relaxing few weeks.
Turns out, it helped others too.
And so Little Compass was born, a growing team of talented parents and formal/informal educators
who have created a range of easy and creative ready-to-use activities for kids aged 2-6 years.
Hands-on, simple to follow and minimal supplies. And FREE.
We want to make sure that you have a one-stop-shop to turn to when you're wondering
what to do with your kids today. It means you can stay on top of other things.
With Little Compass's learning-through-play approach,
you can now relax knowing your kid is moving, learning and having a blast.
With love and health