What do we know about South Africa? Have you heard of the country before? Do we know anyone there? Pull out your map: where is it located? How could we get there from our home?
Watch this clip: www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5MIBsZv19U
Indoor Active
Gonoodle www.gonoodle.com
or Cosmic Kids https://www.cosmickids.com/
Outdoor Active
Feed the ducks at the lake (‘Venice’), point out the gondola,, head to the sound garden, play around
Take some balls (soccer, tennis, basketball, etc) to a park and play around
Choose 2-3 20-30 minute activities from the selection below:

Colour the Flag
Draw and colour the flag of Italy.
Write the country name in English (and your kid's second language if relevant).
Switch up the material each day - paper, cardboard - as well as the size.

Draw the Tower of Pisa
Watch the intro clip above, then put a picture of Pisa on the computer or print one out. They need to do their interpretation. This is a great way to get kids to really look at something and study the many details and aspects of an object. Drawing is a method of researching, investigating, developing and communicating ideas. Use this method to be creative, focus on fine motor skills, and study any given subject area.

Bake Pizza
Use your own pizza style OR make this easy 4 ingredient pizza recipe
1 ¾ cup white flour sifted
2 ½ tsp baking powder
180g Greek yoghurt
Pinch of salt
Mix together and roll out flat with some extra flour
Add pasta sauce, cheese, olives, toppings

Build the Colosseum/Pisa
Use anything you can find at home - rocks, coins. You can build a tower or pyramid of paper cups.

Depth Pictures of Pisa
Take a 'depth' picture like they do at Pisa (holding up the tower).

Stamp your Passport
Write Italy in the kids' passport and you/they can stamp it with whatever you have at home, stamps, stickers, or draw their own!