Here are our suggested schedules to help frame your day.
Simply adjust according to your family's needs, rhythm and pace
(and your Health Ministry's guidelines).
Ages 2-3
6:30-7:30 Wake Up, Breakfast
7:30-9:00 Get ready for the day/play
9:00-9:30 Snack
9:30-10:30 Structured Learning/Project
10:30-12:00 Outside
12:00-12:30 Make Lunch/Wash Up/Book
12:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Nap/quiet time/stories/books 15:00-15:30 Snack
15:30-16:15 Play
16:15-17:15 Structured Learning/Project
17:15-18:00 Make Dinner/TV
18:00-19:00 Dinner/Bath
19:00-19:30 Stories/Bed
(credit to “The Learning Journey” for this one)
Ages 4-6
Wake Up:take it slow if you can, snuggles in bed type thing
7:30-ish Breakfast/Get Ready/Play
9:00 Session 1 (2-3 x 20-30 min activities)
10:00 Indoor Active
10:30 Snack and Break/Household
11:00 Session 2 (2-3 x 20-30 min activities)
12:00 Make + Eat Lunch/Tidy/Wash up/Play
13:30 Outdoor Active/Home/Wash Up
15:00 Snack/Down Time/TV
16:30 Social/Creative: Virtual playdates with family + friends/Worksheets/Play/Make Dinner
17:45 - 20:00 Dinner/Bath/Final Energy Release/Relax/Daily Round Up/Goodnight!