Olympic Games
IT'S GREEN DAY! Lots of sports in the Olympics have just one person at a time racing against each other (as opposed to teams racing against each other). Sports like running or swimming or gymnastics. Athletes spend months and years training to get ready for the Olympics. We are going to do some warm-up training to get our Olympics started. Start with this Alphabet Workout where there are different exercises for each letter of your name.

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Choose 2-3 20-30 minute activities from the options below:

The Olympics started with what is now called ‘athletics’: who can run fastest (100m) and furthest (marathon), who can jump furthest (long jump) or highest (high jump), or can throw furthest (shot put, javelin). Some races are about running AND jumping (hurdles). Here is a short clip to SEE what that means (Stop as you go to point out different events).

Set up a full basket of toys on one side of the room and an empty basket of toys on the other side. Kids stand by the empty basket, first kid runs to the basket, collects one toy and runs back to place it in the empty basket. First kid hi-fives the next kid who then has a turn to transfer a toy from the full to empty basket. Keep taking turns until the empty basket is full. If no siblings, child can do it solo or with a parent. Time how fast they can do it. Do it again, trying for a quicker finish.

Gymnastics is a popular sport at the Olympics: what do you know about it? Gymnastics involves doing exercises which need strength, flexibility, balance and control. This may include running, jumping, tumbling, somersaulting, flipping and balancing and even trampolining. We are going to learn some cool gymnastics moves, make some gymnastics equipment and then do a gymnastics show! Watch these clips to see more: Artistic Women’s * Artistic Men's * Rhythmic

GYMNASTICS: Ribbon Wands
Make your own rhythmic gymnastics ribbon to swish to music: ribbon wands OR ribbon streamers OR ribbon wands 2

ATHLETICS: 100m Dash
Choose your own distance indoors or outdoors. Measure it with chalk or tape. The kids must run as fast as they can. Time them, write it down. See if they can do even faster next time. At the end, see what their fastest time is. Watch this clip of how the fastest man in the world Usain Bolt went from zero to hero as the fastest recorded Olympic 100m in 9.63 seconds (9.58 seconds world record). Put that on your timer and show them how fast that is i.e. when the time goes off and where in their 100m they are.

ATHLETICS: Discus Paper Plate Ring Toss
Make rings with paper plates. Then try get them over a tube or bottle. Like here.

GYMNASTICS: Let's Get Training!
Set up some safe spaces, pull out pillows and mattresses. Kids can free-style doing rolls and jumps, make their own routine. You can get inspiration for this gymnastics video for a general warm up + some gymnast moves or help your kids learn these specific moves:
- Forward rolls
- Backward rolls
- Straddle rolls
- Headstand and handstand on wall
- Cartwheels here and here
- Beam/balancing: mark out a line with tape, need to walk the line; heel-to-toe; tip-toes; jump; sideways
- 'Unstable surfaces’: set up a row of pillows and must balance walking the line.

SWIMMING: Body Painting
Kids strip down to their birthday suit and then need to paint a swimming costume on themselves. You can do this inside a blowup pool or a big box or in the bath.

ATHLETICS: Decathlon
With your kids, build a 10-station obstacle course in your home/yard. Kids AND adults should do it. While one person is doing it, the others cheer their name. You can also print out the #COVIDHOMERUN race kit and post a few pics and videos when you’re done. Get some inspiration from sensory chalk walks (use tape indoors), follow the 10 stations below or create your own:
1. Circle of pillows to jump over * 2. 10 star jumps (or on trampoline). Put a star sticker or star-shape tape on the floor * 3. Balloon between knees * 4. Crab walk sidewards * 5. Jump and try touch the roof 5 times * 6. Soldier/snake crawl * 7. Hopscotch (use tape – add as many numbers as you want) * 8. Zigzag lines on floor * 9. Chairs over and under * 10. Pillow sack jumps

ATHLETICS: Shot Put Science
Make shot puts with rice and balloons.Then gather a few more shotput balls of varying weights from around the house, for eg, a pair of socks rolled into a ball, a ball of foil. Throw each object, shotput style, and measure the distances. Have your child observe and compare the weight of the items (use a scale for more ‘fun’) and the distance of each of them.

GYMNASTICS: Homemade Chalk
Chalk is really important for gymnasts to make sure their hands don’t slip – it takes away any sweat especially on rings, bars, vault etc. Let’s make our own chalk! (<Refer to 'method 3' in wiki how) (This chalk is for art and drawing).

SWIMMING: Bath or Pool Time
In a blow up pool or extra long bath time, put on goggles, swimmers and try some of the four swimming strokes. Play sink or float with their bath toys. Get the paintbrushes out and they can paint with water in the bath, paint themselves with soap, paint the walls with water and soap.