Farm to Table
Do you like to help in the kitchen? What are some jobs you can help with? Washing produce, putting food on the table, plating food. Today we are going to get to know the kitchen and learn how to be little chefs!

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Choose 2-3 20-30 minute activities from the options below:

Safety in the Kitchen
Safety in the Kitchen- Talk about some of the dangers in the kitchen - germs, fire, sharp tools. How can we stay safe? Let’s make a list of things you can and can’t do in the kitchen, as well as some things you can do with a parent. Here are some ideas, and here’s a good guide as to what kids of different ages may be able to do in the kitchen. Get your parents to film you as you demonstrate the rules.

Make Your Own Restaurant
Plan the menu with your parents - make sure you have all the ingredients you need! Write and illustrate the menu. Don’t forget to add the name of your restaurant. Prepare all the food for the meal - don’t forget to ask an adult to help when using sharp knives and fire. Set the table and invite your customers to come in, Don’t forget to ask for a tip and clean up afterwards!

Dress Like a Chef
Make your own chef hat using this link and/or decorate an apron. (You can buy chef hats/aprons for kids from craft stores.)

Family Cookbook
Ask your relatives if there are any special family recipes that they know of? Ask them to send the recipes to you, and illustrate the recipes. Put all the recipes together to make a family cookbook. Draw a front cover, give your cookbook a name - and try out some of the recipes!

Kitchen Scavenger Hunt
What’s in the kitchen? Get to know your kitchen by playing a scavenger hunt. You will need:
Scavenger hunt list (1 per child)
A bowl for each child
Make recipe cards (different for each child) and write a list of cooking utensils on it with a little tick box next to each item. Children will get to explore the kitchen and tick the cooking utensils they find as they go along.
Indoor Active
Outdoor Active
Screen Time
Food Ideas
MAGIC INSTANT ICE-CREAM: For a special treat to end Little Chef week - try making magic instant ice-cream! You will need:
300ml semi-skimmed milk
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla paste
food colouring of your choice (optional)
2kg ice
12 tbsp rock salt
6 large heavy duty Ziplock bags (3 if you only want to make one colour)
Oven mitts/Gloves
Strong arm muscles! To make this you will be doing an arm workout...
Watch this video from BBC Good Food to find out how to make instant ice cream