Around the World
Pull out a map/globe (in real life or on computer) and talk about this amazing tool. What is a globe/map? What does it show us? Where do we live? Where does our family live? (Get dot stickers for them to put on those spots) How do we get to different countries? How does food etc travel? Gather all the books about other countries - put into a special 'book bin' for the week. Song: Where are you from?

Welcome to...
Choose 2-3 20-30 minute activities from the options below:

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Kids set up a bunch of chairs, get their suitcases and passports, take a plane ride (or bus/train) imagination game

Route on the Floor
Using any tape you have, make a route with zig zag lines and other. Walk along the lines. Then walk and take the suitcase on the lines. Then walk, with suitcase, and holding a baby toy. Keep adding things as much as your kids are into it. Then bring out all the vehicle toys (planes, cars, boats) and line up all vehicles on the tape.

Pack a Suitcase
Imagine we are going to a country for a holiday/to visit family. Get a suitcase, think of all the things you might need. And the kids go around the house and pack. Can be free-flow or make a list and the kids tick it off as they go. Add a 'going on the plane' imagination game, building a plan with chairs/pillows.
Indoor Active
This week is all about adventure. Let’s choose two countries and make an obstacle course to get there. Each kid gets a turn to create the course. Keep changing it up if they start to get bored but you think it can still last longer.
Screen Time
Oh the places you will go, Dr Seuss
Where's the Sloth? A Magical Search-And-Find Book, Andrew Rowland